Need Help ?

We understand that circumstances may be frightening and challenging but we are glad you’ve looked to COTS for assistance. COTS is a provider of housing assistance and shelter for families facing or experiencing homelessness and we are here to offer hope, help, and housing by way of information, resources and programs designed to aid families in overcoming homelessness.

The first step in getting help is to connect with CAM – the Coordinated Assessment Model under which COTS and all shelters in Detroit operate. CAM is an organized process that focuses on matching the needs of people experiencing homelessness with available shelter and housing resources in and around Metro Detroit. For more information about CAM, click HERE.

The following steps outline the process from homelessness to housing through support services provided through agencies such as COTS:

Visit an Access Point

Arrive at access point
​(if available, bring vital documents e.g. photo I.D.) Please see the section below to locate the access point most suitable for you.

Undergo an Assessment

CAM Intake Staff will learn more about your circumstances. You will then be matched with the most appropriate shelter and/or housing agency to suit your needs.

Referral to Shelter

Depending upon your circumstances, you may be referred to COTS or another emergency shelter based on bed availability.

Assigned a Coach and Housing Specialist

You will be matched with a mobility coach and housing specialist that will work with you to identify to the right housing solution for you.

Single Adults & Unaccompanied Youth (18-24)

Access Point:

NSO Tumaini Center
​3430 3rd Ave, Detroit, MI 48226


Monday – Friday | 11 AM – 7 PM

Access Point:

Noah Project
​23 E Adams St, Detroit, MI 48226


Monday – Thursday | 10 AM – 4 PM


Access Point:

Veterans Community Resource & Referral Center (VCRRC)
​301 Piquette St, Detroit, MI 48202


Sunday – Saturday | 8 AM – 8 PM

Access Point:

Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCVC)
4646 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201


Monday – Friday | 8 AM – 4:30 PM

If you are fleeing a recent act of violence from an intimate partner, contact YWCA Interim House at 313-861-5300.

For all other basic needs such as food, employment, clothing, etc., dial 2-1-1.

To locate the nearest bus route to a CAM access point, text your location or address to 50464 
(​For example, text “Woodward and Warren” or “1250 E Grand” to 50464 to find the nearest bus route.)
​This is a free texting service provided by the Detroit Department of Transportation. 

If you have additional questions, or for additional information, contact us at 313-270-9100.